Search Results for: GREE

extraordinary remedy

A remedy — such as a writ of mandamus or habeas corpus — not available to a party unless necessary to preserve a right that cannot be protected by a standard legal or equitable remedy. • Because there is no agreed list of extraordinary remedies, some standard remedies — such as preliminary and permanent injunctions

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foster child

A child whose care and upbringing are entrusted to an adult other than the child’s natural or adoptive parents, usu. by an agency. • A foster child may receive informal, voluntary care by someone (often a grandparent, other relative, or neighbor) who enters into an agreement with the parent or who simply substitutes for the

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criminal justice

criminal justice. 1. The methods by which a society deals with those who are accused of having committed crimes. See LAW ENFORCEMENT(1). 2. The field of study pursued by those seeking to enter law enforcement as a profession. • Many colleges offer degrees in criminal justice, typically after two to four years of study. —

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lex fori

lex fori (leks for-I). [Latin] The law of the forum; the law of the jurisdiction where the case is pending (the lex fori governs whether the death penalty is a possible punishment for a first-degree-murder conviction). — Also termed lex ordinandi. Cf. LEX LOCI(1). [Cases: Action 17. C.J.S. Actions §§ 18–20; Conflict of Laws §§

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