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lockout. 1. An employer’s withholding of work and closing of a business because of a labor dispute. [Cases: Labor Relations 290. C.J.S. Labor Relations §§ 273–274, 277–278.] defensive lockout. A lockout that is called to prevent imminent and irreparable financial harm to the company or to protect a legal right. • Defensive lockouts were legal, […]

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Hist. A primitive form of trial in which an accused person was subjected to a usu. dangerous or painful physical test, the result being considered a divine revelation of the person’s guilt or innocence. • The participants believed that God would reveal a person’s culpability by protecting an innocent person from some or all consequences

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continuation in part

continuation-in-part. Patents. A patent application filed during the pendency of an earlier application by the same applicant, repeating a substantial part of the earlier application but adding to or subtracting from the claims. 35 USCA § 120. • This type of application contains new technical descriptions from the inventor or reflects im-provements made since the

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harmless error

An error that does not affect a party’s substantive rights or the case’s outcome. • A harmless error is not grounds for reversal. See Fed. R. Civ. P. 61; Fed. R. Crim. P. 52. — Also termed technical error; error in vacuo. Cf. substantial error. [Cases: Administrative Law and Procedure 764; Appeal and Error 1025–1074.

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packing, n. A gerrymandering technique in which a dominant political or racial group minimizes minority representation by concentrating the minority into as few districts as possible. Cf. CRACKING; STACKING(2). [Cases: Elections 12(6).]

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industrial design

industrial design. Patents. The shape, configuration, pattern, or ornament applied to a finished article of manufacture, often to distinguish the product’s appearance. • A design patent may be issued to protect the product’s characteristic appearance. [Cases: Patents 15. C.J.S. Patents §§ 100, 103.]

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application division

Application Division. Patents. The part of the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office that is responsible for accepting patent applications, assigning them serial numbers, checking them for completeness and formalities, placing them in file wrappers, and assigning them to appropriate art groups based on class and subclass of technology.

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