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Oil & gas. The collection of producing wells over a reservoir for joint operations such as enhanced-recovery techniques. • Unitization is usu. carried out after primary production has begun to fall off substantially, in order to permit efficient secondary-recovery operations. It is also done to comply with well-spacing requirements established by state law or regulation. […]

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parens patriae

parens patriae (par-enz pay-tree-ee orpa-tree-I). [Latin “parent of his or her country”] 1. The state regarded as a sovereign; the state in its capacity as provider of protection to those unable to care for themselves (the attorney general acted as parens patriae in the administrative hearing); in Roman law, the emperor. [Cases: States 1. C.J.S.

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ad interim copyright

Hist. A limited five-year U.S. copyright granted to the author of a foreign edition of an English-language book or periodical if, within six months after its publication abroad, the author deposited one complete copy of that edition in the U.S. Copyright Office and requested ad interim copyright protection. • An ad interim copyright was granted

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harm, n. Injury, loss, damage; material or tangible detriment. accidental harm. Harm not caused by any tortious act. bodily harm. Physical pain, illness, or impairment of the body. grievous bodily harm. See serious bodily injury under INJURY. physical harm. Any physical impairment of land, chattels, or the human body. serious bodily harm. See serious bodily

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fair trading

fair trading 公平贸易 在英国,1973年《公平贸易法》〔Fair Trading Act〕规定了公平贸易总署署长〔Director General of Fair Trading〕与保护消费者咨询委员会〔Consumer Protection Advisory Committee〕的任命,处理有关垄断、合并、金字塔式销售(传销)〔pyramid selling〕和商品说明〔trade description〕等事务。并指导1974年《消费者信贷法》〔Consumer Credit Act〕的实施。公平贸易总署署长可对持续性实施侵害消费者利益行为的人提起诉讼,并可根据垄断与合并委员会〔Monopolies and Mergers Commission〕的报告提起诉讼。在美国,「公平贸易」则与《联邦贸易委员会法》〔Federal Trade Commission Act〕相联系,用以防止州际贸易中的不正当竞争与欺诈性行为。

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