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citator (sI-tay-t[schwa]r). A catalogued list of cases, statutes, and other legal sources showing the subsequent history and current precedential value of those sources. • Citators allow researchers to verify the authority of a precedent and to find additional sources relating to a given subject. Citators were originally printed on gummed paper and pasted next to

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manifest intent

Intent that is apparent or obvious based on the available circumstantial evidence, even if direct evidence of intent is not available. • For example, some fidelity bonds cover an employer’s losses caused by an employee’s dishonest or fraudulent acts committed with a manifest intent to cause a loss to the employer and to obtain a

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Indian tribe

A group, band, nation, or other organized group of indigenous American people, including any Alaskan native village, that is recognized as eligible for the special programs and services provided by the U.S. government because of Indian status (42 USCA § 9601(36)); esp., any such group having a federally recognized governing body that carries out substantial

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bigamy, n. 1. The act of marrying one person while legally married to another. • Bigamy is distinct from adultery. It is a criminal offense if it is committed knowingly. In 1878, the U.S. Supreme Court held that the government was not constitutionally prohibited from banning Mormon polygamy. Reynolds v. United States, 98 U.S. (8

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probative (proh-b[schwa]-tiv), adj. Tending to prove or disprove. • Courts can exclude relevant evidence if its probative value is substantially outweighed by the danger of unfair prejudice. Fed. R. Evid. 403. [Cases: Evidence 99, 146. C.J.S. Evidence §§ 2–5, 197–200, 204, 206, 764.] — probativeness, probativity, n.

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continuation in part

continuation-in-part. Patents. A patent application filed during the pendency of an earlier application by the same applicant, repeating a substantial part of the earlier application but adding to or subtracting from the claims. 35 USCA § 120. • This type of application contains new technical descriptions from the inventor or reflects im-provements made since the

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