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de clerico admittendo

de clerico admittendo (dee kler-[schwa]-koh ad-mi-ten-doh), n. [Law Latin “for admitting a clerk”] Hist. A writ of execution commanding a bishop to accept a nominee for a vacant benefice. • A benefice’s patron could enforce the right to fill a vacancy (the right of presentation) in the Court of Common Pleas by writ of quare

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summary judgment

summary judgment 简易判决 指当当事人对案件中的主要事实〔material facts〕不存在真正的争议〔genuine issue〕或案件仅涉及法律问题时,法院不经开庭审理而及早解决案件的一种方式。根据美国《联邦民事诉讼规则》〔Fed. R.Civil P.〕,在诉讼开始20天后,如果经诉答程序〔pleadings〕、披露〔discovery〕以及任何宣誓书〔affidavit〕表明当事人对案件的主要事实不存在真正的争议,认为自己在法律上应当胜诉的一方当事人可随时申请法庭作出简易判决。简易判决可就全部案件也可就案件中的部分事实作出。英国《最高法院规则》第14条〔R.S.C. Ord 14〕规定:在由宣誓书〔affidavit〕支持的传票〔summons〕签发后,该宣誓书证实了原告诉因的真实性并说明被告不会作答辩或提不出有争论性〔arguable〕的答辩,原告可向法院申请不经过开庭审理而对案件作出判决。原告的申请应在其起诉状〔statement of claim〕送达并且被告接受了送达〔acknowledgment of service〕、声明出庭应诉之后提出,但是对书面诽谤〔libel〕、口头诽谤〔slander〕、恶意控告〔malicious prosecution〕、欺诈所提起的诉讼、海事对物诉讼〔admiralty action in rem〕或对国家提起的诉讼〔claim against the Crown〕不得申请简易判决。在郡法院进行的诉讼中也有类似的程序。

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enormia (i-nor-mee-[schwa]), n. [Latin] Common-law pleading. Unlawful or wrongful acts; wrongs. • This word, esp. as part of the phrase et alia enormia (“and other outrages”), appeared regularly in writs and declarations of trespass.

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et sic

et sic (et sik). [Latin “and so”] Archaic. The introductory words of a special conclusion to a plea in bar, intending to render the plea positive and not argumentative.

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