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law latin

Law Latin. A corrupted form of Latin formerly used in law and legal documents, including judicial writs, royal charters, and private deeds. • It primarily consists of a mixture of Latin, French, and English words used in English sentence structures. — Abbr. L.L.; L. Lat. — Also written law Latin. “LAW LATIN. A technical kind

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narrator (na-ray-tor or na-ray-t[schwa]r), n. [Law Latin] Hist. A pleader or counter; a person who prepares pleadings (i.e., narrs). • For example, a serjeant-at-law was also known as serviens narrator. Pl. narratores (na-r[ schwa]-tor-eez). “The Latin narrator and its French equivalent contour became technical terms. If an English term was in use, it was perhaps

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et non

et non (et non). [Latin “and not”] Archaic. A phrase formerly used in pleading to introduce the negative averments of a special traverse. See ABSQUE HOC.

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lex aebutia

lex Aebutia (leks i-byoo-shee-[schwa]). [Latin] Roman law. A statute that introduced simplified forms of pleading and procedure. • This was probably enacted in the later part of the second century B.C. See lex Julia judiciorum publicorum under LEX JULIA.

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bill in equity

bill in equity 衡平法上的起诉状 在英国1873-1875年《司法组织法》〔Judicature Acts〕之前衡平法院的诉讼程序中,一起普通的诉讼是以向御前大臣〔Lord Chancellor〕递交起诉状〔bill〕开始的,起诉状通常由4部分组成:1标题,说明所呈交的法院以及原告和被告的姓名;2对御前大臣的称呼;3案件事实陈述部分;4请求给予的救济。起诉状要由起草的律师签字。开始一项诉讼的起诉状称初始诉状〔original bill〕,区别于修改的诉状〔amended bill〕。起诉状要送达给被告,就像现在的令状一样。因此,它兼具传票令〔writ of summons〕和诉求陈述〔statement of claim〕的功能。提交起诉状是进行诉讼的第一步。起诉状〔bill〕经常与诉讼〔suit〕被作同义使用,在这个意义上,可将起诉状分为3种:初始诉状〔original〕、初始诉状性质的诉状〔in the nature of original〕和非初始诉状〔not original〕。初始诉状向法庭提供的事实是未经法庭受理过的,并且要请求救济或者具有某种辅助目的。请求救济的起诉状有多种,有专门名称的包括:确定竞合权利诉状〔interpleader bill〕,调卷复审诉状〔certiorari bill〕,预防性诉状〔bill quia timet〕,防止滥诉诉状〔bill of peace〕。但这些诉状在实践中很少运用。非请求救济的起诉状有两类:1证言保全诉状〔bill to perpetuate testimony〕;2请求披露诉状〔bill of discovery〕。初始诉状性质的诉状和非初始诉状在1873-1875年以前在实践中即早已不用,它们包括:补充诉状〔supplemental bill〕、恢复诉讼诉状〔bill of revivor〕、复审诉状〔bill of review〕。旧时英国衡平法院中进行的普通诉讼被称作根据英文的起诉状提起的诉讼〔suit by English bill〕,以此区别在该法院的普通法分庭〔common law side〕中进行的诉讼,后者使用的是诺曼法语或拉丁文。

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quo minus

quo minus 〈拉〉(英格兰古法) (1)合理损害令 发给依法或依授权为维修房屋而有权在他人林区内伐木或割取干草者的令状,这是一种针对授权人的合理损害,这样林地受让人就不能像原来那样享有完全的权益了。 (2)财税法庭通过拟制获取普通民事诉讼管辖权的令状 早期普通法的实践中,普通民事诉讼管辖权归皇家民事法庭〔Court of Common Pleas〕,财税法庭〔Court of Exchequer〕只管辖与国王财政税收有关的案件,但为了诉讼的便捷,人们设计了如下的拟制:原告向财税法庭法官宣称,他是国王的债务人,但被告给他造成的侵害使他无法偿还国王债务或支付租金,这样就在案件事实与财税法庭的管辖权之间建立了联系——被告影响了原告对国王债务的偿还,基于此财税法庭从14世纪开始获取了对普通民事诉讼中对人诉讼的管辖权。该令状发给财政署的官员,针对任何有诉权者。王座法庭获取对普通民事诉讼中对人诉讼管辖权的令状是米德尔塞克斯令〔bill of Middlesex〕。 (→bill of Middlesex)

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