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special occupant

A person specifically designated in a conveyance as being entitled to a life estate if the conveyee dies before the end of the life estate; specif., a pur autre vie tenant’s heir who occupies land in the interim between the death of the tenant and the death of the person who serves as the measuring […]

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nullum tempus act

Nullum Tempus Act (n[schwa]l-[schwa]m tem-p[schwa]s akt), n. [Latin] Hist. English law. The Crown Suits Act of 1769 (amended in 1862) that limited the Crown’s time to sue, in land and other specified matters, to 60 years. • The statute altered the common-law rule of nullum tempus aut locus occurrit regi (“no time or place affects

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deuterogamy (d[y]oo-t[schwa]r-og-[schwa]-mee), n. [fr. Greek deuterogamia “second marriage”] A second marriage after the death of or divorce from the first spouse, or after an annulment of a first marriage. — Also termed digama; digamy.

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