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bound, adj. 1. Constrained by a contractual or other obligation (they are bound to make the payments by the first of each month). 2. (Of a court) constrained to follow a precedent (bound by a Supreme Court decision). bound, n. (usu. pl.) 1. BOUNDARY (metes and bounds). 2. A limitation or restriction on action (within […]

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accomplice ([schwa]-kom-plis). 1. A person who is in any way involved with another in the commission of a crime, whether as a principal in the first or second degree or as an accessory. • Although the definition includes an accessory before the fact, not all authorities treat this term as including an accessory after the

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right of assembly

right of assembly. The constitutional right — guaranteed by the First Amendment — of the people to gather peacefully for public expression of religion, politics, or grievances. — Also termed freedom of assembly; right to assemble. Cf. FREEDOM OF ASSOCIATION; unlawful assembly under ASSEMBLY. [Cases: Constitutional Law 91. C.J.S. Constitutional Law §§ 461–462, 466, 612–629.]

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graded offense

A crime that is divided into various degrees of severity with corresponding levels of punishment, such as murder (first-degree and second-degree) or assault (simple and aggravated). See DEGREE(2). [Cases: Criminal Law 28. C.J.S. Criminal Law §§ 9, 13.]

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equitable tolling

equitable tolling. 1. The doctrine that the statute of limitations will not bar a claim if the plaintiff, despite diligent efforts, did not discover the injury until after the limitations period had expired. • Equitable tolling does not require misconduct by the defendant. [Cases: Limitation of Actions 104. 5. C.J.S. Limitations of Actions §§ 85–86,

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drug court

A court that hears cases against nonviolent adults and juveniles, who are often first-time offenders and who are usu. charged with possession of a controlled substance or with committing a minor drug-related crime. • Drug courts focus on treatment rather than on incarceration.

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guild. 1. A group of persons sharing a common vocation who unite to regulate the affairs of their trade in order to protect and promote their common vocation; specif., a voluntary society or fraternity of persons employed in the same trade or craft, formed for the mutual benefit and protection of its members, who pay

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