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encumbrance, n. A claim or liability that is attached to property or some other right and that may lessen its value, such as a lien or mortgage; any property right that is not an ownership interest. • An encumbrance cannot defeat the transfer of possession, but it remains after the property or right is transferred.

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answer, n. 1. A defendant’s first pleading that addresses the merits of the case, usu. by denying the plaintiff’s allegations. • An answer usu. sets forth the defendant’s defenses and counterclaims. [Cases: Pleading 76–87. C.J.S. Pleading §§ 159–162, 164, 168–173.] false answer. A sham answer in a pleading. See sham pleading under PLEADING (1). [Cases:

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ground writ

Hist. A writ issued in a county having venue of an action in order to allow a writ of capias ad satisfaciendum or of fieri facias to be executed in a county where the defendant or the defendant’s property was found. • These two writs could not be executed in a county other than the

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lawgiver. 1. A legislator, esp. one who promulgates an entire code of laws. 2. A judge with the power to interpret law. — lawgiving, adj. & n. “John Chipman Gray in his The Nature and Sources of the Law (1921) repeats a number of times a quotation from Bishop Hoadley [1676–1761]: ‘Whoever hath an absolute

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Colonial Office

Colonial Office 〈英〉殖民部 负责任命殖民地总督等官员并与之联络的国家机关。1854年以前,对殖民地事务和军事合并管理,但克里米亚战役〔Crimean War〕之后,另任一名国务大臣专门负责军事管理。殖民部现已并入外交及联邦事务部〔Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs〕。 (→secretary of state)

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