ground writ
ground writ (英格兰古法)裁判地令状 1852年《普通法诉讼程序法》〔Common Law Procedure Act〕颁布前适用的一种令状,在法院向案件审判地以外的其他郡签发拘留还债令〔capias ad satisfaciendum〕或债务人财产扣押令〔fieri facias〕之前,必须先向本郡签发裁判地令状,然后再向有关他郡签发异地执行令状〔testatum writ〕。
ground writ (英格兰古法)裁判地令状 1852年《普通法诉讼程序法》〔Common Law Procedure Act〕颁布前适用的一种令状,在法院向案件审判地以外的其他郡签发拘留还债令〔capias ad satisfaciendum〕或债务人财产扣押令〔fieri facias〕之前,必须先向本郡签发裁判地令状,然后再向有关他郡签发异地执行令状〔testatum writ〕。
Hist. A writ issued in a county having venue of an action in order to allow a writ of capias ad satisfaciendum or of fieri facias to be executed in a county where the defendant or the defendant’s property was found. • These two writs could not be executed in a county other than the