Search Results for: CONVENTIO

berne convention implementation act

Berne Convention Implementation Act. Copyright. The 1988 federal law making the United States a signatory to the Berne Convention, 102 years after the convention was first opened for signatures. • The law ended rigid formalities for registration and marking, although registration is still required before U.S.-copyright owners can sue for infringement. Pub. L. No. 100-568,

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Warsaw Convention

Int’l law. A treaty (to which the United States is a party) negotiated in Warsaw, Poland, in 1929, consisting of uniform rules governing claims made for personal injuries arising out of international air travel. Cf. MONTREAL AGREEMENT. [Cases: Carriers 307; Treaties 8.C.J.S. Aeronautics and Aerospace §§ 265, 267; Carriers § 573; Treaties § 6.]

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convention. 1. An agreement or compact, esp. one among nations; a multilateral treaty (the Geneva Convention). See TREATY. [Cases: Treaties 1. C.J.S. Treaties § 2.] 2. A special deliberative assembly elected for the purpose of framing, revising, or amending a constitution. See CONSTITUTION (1). — Also termed constitutional convention. [Cases: Constitutional Law 8, 10. C.J.S.

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Federal Constitutional Convention

Federal Constitutional Convention 〈美〉联邦制宪会议 由于宣布独立的北美诸州间发生争执,弗吉尼亚州遂于1786年邀请各州派遣代表出席在安纳波利斯举行的会议,以考虑合众国的贸易问题。五个州派代表出席了安纳波利斯会议(1786年9月)。汉密尔顿和麦迪逊劝说其他代表一起提出建议,由十三个州派遣代表出席一个会议,作出组成联邦政府的进一步规定,以适应联盟的迫切需要。1978年2月21日,国会为此目的邀请各州派遣代表出席五月份在费城举行的会议,并修订邦联条例。1787年5月25日,联邦会议于费城举行,除罗德岛外的十二个州的55名代表参加了会议。辩论持续至9月17日,结果并未修订邦联条例,而是制定了一部切实可行的宪法。当时只有39名代表签署了这部宪法。在宪法为所有十三个州最后批准前,各州立法机构进行了激烈和尖锐的争辩。

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U.N.Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide

U.N.Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide 《联合国防止及惩治灭绝种族罪公约》 是反对二战期间纳粹屠杀犹太民族暴行的产物。本公约于1948年12月9日由联合国大会一致通过并于1951年1月12日生效。灭绝种族罪是指蓄意全部或部分地消灭民族、种族、宗教等群体,并实施下列行为之一的罪行:1杀害该群体的成员;2致使该群体的成员在身体上或精神上遭受严重伤害;3故意使该群体处于贫穷等生活条件下以毁灭其全部或部分生命;4强制施行蓄意防止该群体生育的措施;5强制将该群体的儿童转至其他群体。公约规定了个人责任原则,即犯有灭绝种族罪的犯罪分子对其行为应承担刑事责任。依据该公约,罪犯应受国家的或国际法庭的审判并可实行引渡。

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