Search Results for: remainder

leading of a use

leading of a use. Hist. In a deed, the specification, before the levy of a fine of land, of the person to whose use the fine will inure. • If the deed is executed after the fine, it “declares” the use. “As if A., tenant in tail, with reversion to himself in fee, would settle […]

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taker, n. A person who acquires; esp., one who receives property by will, by power of appointment, or by intestate succession. [Cases: Wills 492–495. C.J.S. Wills §§ 902–905, 928, 956, 964–966.] first taker. A person who receives an estate that is subject to a remainder or executory devise. presumptive taker. A person who would take

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entail v. 限嗣(地产等的)继承;使(地产等)被限嗣继承 n.限嗣继承的地产;限定继承地产 旧时英国土地保有和继承的一种形式。即土地只能由土地被授予人或受赠人的特定继承人继承,而非其全部继承人都能继承。土地的限嗣继承在进行土地赠与时即可设立,如在赠与时确定该土地只能由受赠人和他的直系继承人继承,这样,土地就能在其家族中世代相传下去。限嗣继承土地的保有人〔tenant in tail〕不能处分该土地,如果受赠人死亡时无子女,或其继承人死亡时无子女,限嗣继承将终止,土地转归回复地产权人〔reversioner〕或剩余地产权人〔remainderman〕所有。土地的限嗣继承可以一般设定,如在赠与时写明土地给予某甲和他的直系继承人,没有更多的限制;也可以特别设定,如在赠与时写明土地给予某甲和由他的特定妻室所生的直系继承人。此外,这两种限嗣继承也都可以被设定为只允许男性继承人或只允许女性继承人继承。1925年以后,限嗣继承权益可以通过信托的形式在任何财产——包括动产和不动产——上设立。在苏格兰,1685年的法律确认了对土地可以进行限嗣继承,至1914年最终禁止设定新的限嗣继承土地。在美洲殖民地也曾存在过土地限嗣继承制度,但1776年弗吉尼亚首先予以废除,其后大多数州也都废除了。

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quoad reliquum

quoad reliquum (kwoh-ad rel-[schwa]-kw[schwa]m). [Latin] Hist. With regard to the remainder. “When a debtor, in an action brought against him by his creditor, pleads compensation to a certain extent of the debt sued for, quoad the sum due to him … the creditor’s right of action falls; but quoad reliquum, after making deduction of the

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power in gross

A power held by a donee who has an interest in the assets subject to the power but whose interest cannot be affected by the exercise of the power. • An example is a life tenant with a power over the remainder. — Also termed power collateral. [Cases: Powers 23. C.J.S. Powers § 5.]

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acceleration n. (1)提前到期;加速到期 将贷款协议项下债务的到期日提前,以使全部债务到期。 (2)提前收益指缩短可获得预期利益的时间。例如当终身地产权〔life estate〕因某种原因(例如由于受遗赠人先于遗赠人去世)归于消灭时,则享有剩余地产权〔remainder〕的人即可提前取得权益。它亦可指动产权益的提前取得。 (3)〈美〉(证券法)提前批准 证券交易委员会加速使注册文件生效,从而使注册申请人避开规定的20天等待期。

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