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Law of Property Act,1925

Law of Property Act,1925 〈英〉《财产法》 1926、1929、1932、1964和1969年多次修订。该法统一和修订了英国的土地法律,目的是简化土地的转让手续。根据该法,除无条件继承不动产〔fee simple in possession〕、不动产定期租赁〔term of years absolute〕以及某些无形可继承不动产〔incorporeal hereditament〕继续作为法律上的不动产〔legal estates〕外,其余类型的法律上的不动产自1926年1月1日起转为衡平法上的权益〔equitable interests〕。转为衡平法权益的主要有:土地共有权〔tenancies in common〕或土地的不可分割的共有权〔undivided shares in land〕、限定继承的不动产〔entailed estates〕、终身保有不动产〔estates for life〕、确定或不确定的剩余不动产〔estates in remainder, vested or contingent〕、未成年人不能持有的法律上的不动产〔legal estate not being capable of being held by an infant〕等。变更的目的在于法律上的不动产的完整权益应掌握在成年所有人或共同所有人手中,使其能将全部不动产转让给支付对价的买方,而毋须衡平法权益持有人的同意,后者的利益则从「法律的帘幕后」〔behind the legal curtain〕得到保障,即此类权益已从土地转化成土地买价或地租,从中得到补偿。但1972年《土地负担法》〔Land Charges Act〕对已登记的衡平法上的权益和某些法律上的负担在某种程度上仍予以保护。此外,1925年12月31日以前存在的旧财产法,除新法已经明文变更的部分之外,仍可以适用于1926年前的不动产及其有关权益。

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devisee (dev-[schwa]-zeeor di-vI-zee). A recipient of property by will. Cf. LEGATEE. first devisee. The first devisee designated to receive an estate under a will. next devisee. The devisee who receives the remainder of an estate in tail, as distinguished from the first devisee. See FEE TAIL. [Cases: Wills 604. C.J.S. Wills § 1258.] residuary devisee.

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freehold, n. 1. An estate in land held in fee simple, in fee tail, or for term of life; any real-property interest that is or may become possessory. • At common law, these estates were all created by enfeoffment with livery of seisin. [Cases: Estates in Property 4–7, 12. C.J.S. Estates §§ 10–14, 20–27.] 2.

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enlarger l’estate

enlarger l’estate (en-lahr-j[schwa]r l[schwa]-stayt). [Law French] Hist. A release that enlarges an estate and consists of a conveyance of the ulterior interest to the tenant. • If an estate was held by a tenant for life or years, with the remainder to another in fee, and if the one in remainder released all rights to

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