Search Results for: RULE, THE

insanity defense

insanity defense. Criminal law. An affirmative defense alleging that a mental disorder caused the accused to commit the crime. See 18 USCA § 17; Fed. R. Crim. P. 12. 2. • Unlike other defenses, a successful insanity defense may not result in in acquittal but instead in a special verdict (“not guilty by reason of […]

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plain view doctrine

plain-view doctrine. Criminal procedure. The rule permitting a police officer’s warrantless seizure and use as evidence of an item seen in plain view from a lawful position or during a legal search when the officer has probable cause to believe that the item is evidence of a crime. — Also termed clear-view doctrine; plain-sight rule.

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heirloom. 1. An item of personal property that by local custom, contrary to the usual legal rule, descends to the heir along with the inheritance, instead of passing to the executor or administrator of the last owner. • Traditional examples are an ancestor’s suit of armor, family portraits, title deeds, and keys. Blackstone gave a

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due diligence information

due-diligence information. Securities. Information that a broker-dealer is required to have on file and make available to potential customers before submitting quotations for over-the-counter securities. • The informational requirements are set out in SEC Rule 15c2-11 (17 CFR § 240.15c2-11). [Cases: Securities Regulation 25.21(4), 25.62(2). C.J.S. Securities Regulation §§ 87, 95.]

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give way

give way, vb. Maritime law. (Of a vessel) to deviate from a course, or to slow down, in accordance with navigation rules, so that a second vessel may pass without altering its course. [Cases: Collision 29, 37. C.J.S. Collision §§ 4, 41, 43.]

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hearsay n. 传闻;传闻证据 指证人不是以自己对某事实的亲身感知为基础,而是就自己从别人那里听说的事实所作的陈述。因此,其内容通常最初是在法庭外未经宣誓作出的,而在庭审时被作为证据提出来证明其所称之事实为真实。由于传闻证据本质上是证人对其所听说之事实的重述,因而属于间接证据或二手证据。依英美法的证据规则,传闻证据不具有可采性〔admissibility〕,因为对这种证据不能通过在公开法庭上交叉询问〔cross-examination〕的方式来验证其真实性。所以,为了确保提供给法庭的证词的可靠性,对传闻应予排除。但是,不论在英国还是在美国,传闻证据规则都有许多例外。如在普通法上,临终前的陈述在以后的诉讼中可以作为证据被采纳;英国1988年的《刑事司法法》〔Criminal Justice Act〕规定大多数第一手的传闻和商业文件可以采纳,1968-1972年的《民事证据法》〔Civil Evidence Act〕也规定传闻在符合特定的程序要求的情况下具有可采性。美国《联邦证据规则》〔Federal Rules of Evidence〕的第803条和804条则明确列举了传闻证据的二十多种例外。此外,传闻证据规则的适用并不仅限于口头陈述,也包括书面陈述、手势、甚至是影片。

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