Search Results for: GREE

political power

political power. The power vested in a person or body of persons exercising any function of the state; the capacity to influence the activities of the body politic. — Also termed civil power. sovereign political power. Power that is absolute and uncontrolled within its own sphere. • Within its designated limits, its exercise and effective

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collusion (k[schwa]-loo-zh[schwa]n), n. 1. An agreement to defraud another or to do or obtain something forbidden by law. [Cases: Fraud 30.] 2. As a defense to divorce, an agreement between a husband and wife to commit or to appear to commit an act that is grounds for divorce. • For example, before the advent of

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hypotheca (hI-p[schwa]-thee-k[schwa] or hip-[schwa]-), n. [Latin fr. Greek] Roman law. A mortgage of property in which the debtor was allowed to keep, but not alienate, the property. “Yet another mode of creating a security is possible, by which not merely the ownership of a thing but its possession also remains with the debtor. This is

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