Search Results for: GREE

investment contract

investment contract. 1. A contract in which money is invested in a common enterprise with profits to come solely from the efforts of others; an agreement or transaction in which a party invests money in expectation of profits derived from the efforts of a promoter or other third party. 2. A transaction in which an

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concord (kon-kord orkong-), n. 1. An amicable arrangement between parties, esp. between peoples or nations; a compact or treaty. 2. Archaic. An agreement to compromise and settle an action in trespass. “Concord is an Agreement made between two or more, upon a Trespass committed; and is divided into Concord executory, and Concord executed… ; one

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sponsio ludicra

sponsio ludicra (spon-shee-oh loo-di-kr[schwa]). [Latin “a laughable promise”] 1. Civil law. An informal or illicit understanding that is not enforceable. 2. Scots law. An obligation that a court will not enforce because it does not concern a worthy subject; e.g., a gambling agreement. Pl. sponsiones ludicrae.

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certified mail

Mail for which the sender requests proof of delivery in the form of a receipt signed by the addressee. • The receipt (a green card, which is usu. referred to as such) must be signed before the mail will be delivered. — Also termed certified mail, return receipt requested. [Cases: Postal Service 19, 22, 23.

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