Search Results for: GREE


atavus (at-[schwa]-v[schwa]s), n. [Latin] Roman & civil law. The male ascendant in the fifth degree; a great-grandfather’s or great-grandmother’s grandfather; a fourth grandfather.

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acceptance testing

acceptance testing. Intellectual property. Formal experiments conducted by or on behalf of the customer to determine whether computer software or hardware or a commercial website satisfies the customer’s acceptance criteria. • Usu., an acceptance-testing provision in a sales contract or license agreement is accompanied by a termination provision allowing the customer to back out of

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tying arrangement

tying arrangement. Antitrust. 1. A seller’s agreement to sell one product or service only if the buyer also buys a different product or service. • The product or service that the buyer wants to buy is known as the tying product or tying service; the different product or service that the seller insists on selling

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institute, n. 1. A legal treatise or commentary, such as Coke’s Institutes in four volumes (published in 1628). 2. (cap. & pl.) An elementary treatise on Roman law in four books. • This treatise is one of the four component parts of the Corpus Juris Civilis. — Also termed Institutes of Justinian; Justinian’s Institutes. See

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merchant exception

merchant exception. Contracts. In a sale of goods, an exemption from the statute of frauds whereby a contract between merchants is enforceable if, within a reasonable time after they reach an oral agreement, a written confirmation of the terms is sent, to which the recipient does not object within ten days of receiving it. •

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nomothete (noh-m[schwa]-theet), n. [fr. Greek nomos “law” + thetes “a person who prescribes”] Hist. A lawgiver. — Also spelled nomotheta. “It was [in ancient Greek law] provided that all motions to repeal or amend an existing law should be brought before the ecclesia or general meeting of citizens, at the beginning of the year. They

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lawyer, n. One who is licensed to practice law. Cf. ATTORNEY. [Cases: Attorney and Client 9. C.J.S. Attorney and Client §§ 24–25.] — lawyerly, lawyerlike, adj. — lawyerdom, n. certified military lawyer. A person qualified to act as counsel in a general court-martial. • To be qualified, the person must be (1) a judge advocate

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