Search Results for: GREE


absorption, n. 1. The act or process of including or incorporating a thing into something else; esp., the application of rights guaranteed by the U.S. Constitution to actions by the states. 2. Int’l law. The merger of one nation into another, whether voluntarily or by subjugation. 3. Labor law. In a postmerger collective-bargaining agreement, a

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accomplice ([schwa]-kom-plis). 1. A person who is in any way involved with another in the commission of a crime, whether as a principal in the first or second degree or as an accessory. • Although the definition includes an accessory before the fact, not all authorities treat this term as including an accessory after the

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stuprum (st[y]oo-pr[schwa]m), n. [Latin] Roman & civil law. Disgrace by unchastity; a man’s illegal sexual intercourse with a woman, usu. a virgin or widow, or with a male (pederasty). Pl. stupra. “The law refers to stuprum and adultery indiscriminately and with rather a misuse of terms. But properly speaking adultery is committed with a married

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serjeant at law

serjeant-at-law. Hist. English law. A barrister of superior grade; one who had achieved the highest degree of the legal profession, having (until 1846) the exclusive privilege of practicing in the Court of Common Pleas. • Every judge of the common-law courts was required to be a serjeant-at-law until the Judicature Act of 1873. The rank

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charter party

charter party 租船合同 指根据合同,船东将整个船只或其主要部分租给承租人,在一段确定的航期内或确定的航程上将货物运至一个或多个地点,承租人向船东支付运费,根据合同占有并使用整个船只或其主要部分。租船合同也被称为charter agreement,并经常被简称作charter。也可写作charter-party或charterparty。

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graded offense

A crime that is divided into various degrees of severity with corresponding levels of punishment, such as murder (first-degree and second-degree) or assault (simple and aggravated). See DEGREE(2). [Cases: Criminal Law 28. C.J.S. Criminal Law §§ 9, 13.]

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indigency, n. The state or condition of a person who lacks the means of subsistence; extreme hardship or neediness; poverty. • For purposes of the Sixth Amendment right to appointed counsel, indigency refers to a defendant’s inability to afford an attorney. — Also termed indigence. — indigent, adj. & n. “Supreme Court opinions speak generally

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security interest

A property interest created by agreement or by operation of law to secure performance of an obligation (esp. repayment of a debt). • Although the UCC limits the creation of a security interest to personal property, the Bankruptcy Code defines the term to mean “a lien created by an agreement.” 11 USCA § 101(51). [Cases:

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