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national airspace

Int’l law. The pillar of air above a nation’s territory — including internal waters and the territorial sea — over which it has complete and exclusive sovereignty and through which foreign aircraft have no right of innocent passage. • There is no agreement on the boundary between national airspace and outer space.

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equitable assignment

equitable assignment 衡平法上的转让 指在普通法中被认为无效,但为衡平法所承认并得以执行的转让。例如对权利动产〔chose in action〕或将来可得利益的转让。待履行的协议〔executory agreement〕或信托宣告〔declaration of trust〕在普通法法院被认为是不能执行的转让,但在衡平法院,则可适用合理的自由裁量权,认定其可被执行。构成衡平法上的转让,须以转让人对被转让的债务或基金享有绝对专有权〔appropriation〕为条件。

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case n. (1)案件;诉讼 包括民事的和刑事的。 (2)审判 (3)案例;判例 (4)(诉讼当事人向法庭提出的)证据和辩论 (5)〈英〉事实陈述 在上议院和枢密院的诉讼程序中,上诉的当事人提交的对其所依据的事实的陈述及上诉理由、附录中列明的证据及下级法院的判决。 (6)「trespass on the case」的缩写(→case agreed on; case on appeal; case reserved; case stated; cause of action)

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irreconcilable differences

irreconcilable differences. Persistent and unresolvable disagreements between spouses, leading to the breakdown of the marriage. • These differences may be cited — without specifics — as grounds for no-fault divorce. At least 33 states have provided that irreconcilable differences are a basis for divorce. Cf. IRRETRIEVABLE BREAKDOWN OF THE MARRIAGE; INCOMPATIBILITY. [Cases: Divorce 12, 34.

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directive on the legal protection of computer programs

Directive on the Legal Protection of Computer Programs. Copyright. A 1991 European Commission initiative requiring members to protect computer software by copyright rather than by patent or some sui generis set of legal rights. • The purpose of the Directive was to harmonize copyright laws among the members of the European Commission. It standardized the

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like, adj. 1. Equal in quantity, quality, or degree; corresponding exactly ( like copies). 2. Similar or substantially similar (like character).

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letter of intent

letter of intent. A written statement detailing the preliminary understanding of parties who plan to enter into a contract or some other agreement; a noncommittal writing preliminary to a contract. • A letter of intent is not meant to be binding and does not hinder the parties from bargaining with a third party. Businesspeople typically

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