Search Results for: FINANCE

margin call

A securities broker’s demand that a customer put up money or stock as collateral when the broker finances a purchase of securities. • A margin call usu. occurs when the market prices of the securities are falling. — Also termed maintenance call. [Cases: Brokers 24(2). C.J.S. Brokers §§ 71–72.]

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property tax

property tax (1)财产税 对纳税人在某一日期拥有的动产或不动产从价征收〔ad valorem〕的税种,通常由地方政府征收。 (→ad valorem) (2)〈英〉土地收入税 根据1952年《所得税法》〔Income Tax Act〕对土地收入征收的所得税。1969年《财政法》〔Finance Act〕对之重新作出规定。

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municipal bond

A bond issued by a nonfederal government or governmental unit, such as a state bond to finance local improvements. • The interest received from a municipal bond may be exempt from federal, state, and local taxes. — Often shortened (in plural) to municipals; munies. — Also termed municipal security. [Cases: Municipal Corporations 911. C.J.S. Municipal

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borrowed capital

borrowed capital. Funds lent to a corporation or other entity to finance its operations, such as cash dividends that are declared by a corporation but temporarily retained (with stockholder approval) to provide operating funds. [Cases: Internal Revenue 4133; Taxation 378. C.J.S. Taxation § 550.]

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family law

family law. 1. The body of law dealing with marriage, divorce, adoption, child custody and support, child abuse and neglect, paternity, juvenile delinquency, and other domestic-relations issues. — Also termed domestic relations; domestic-relations law. 2. (More broadly) the bodies of law dealing with wills and estates, property, constitutional rights, contracts, employment, and finance as they

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