Search Results for: REGULATION Q


peonage (pee-[schwa]-nij), n. Illegal and involuntary servitude in satisfaction of a debt. [Cases: Slaves 24. C.J.S. Peonage §§ 3–5.] — peon, n. “Peonage, which is a term descriptive of a condition that existed in Spanish America, and especially in Mexico, and in the territory of New Mexico, and which may be defined as the status […]

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net capital rules

net-capital rules. Securities. Basic financial-responsibility standards adopted by the Securities and Exchange Commission under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934. • Under these rules, securities brokers are required to maintain a minimum level of capitalization and to maintain aggregate indebtedness at a level less than a specified multiple of the broker’s net capital. 15 USCA

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cancellation, n. 1. The act of defacing or obliterating a writing (as by marking lines across it) with the intention of rendering it void. 2. An annulment or termination of a promise or an obligation. [Cases: Cancellation of Instru-ments 1; Contracts 249. C.J.S. Cancellation of Instruments; Rescission §§ 2–7; Contracts §§ 422, 424, 427–428, 456,

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tipper. Securities. A person who possesses material inside information and who selectively discloses that information for trading or other personal purposes (the tippee traded 5,000 shares after her conversation with the tipper). [Cases: Securities Regulation 60.28(5). C.J.S. Securities Regulation § 184.]

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nonfunctional, n. Trademarks. A feature of a good that, although it might identify or distinguish the good from others, is unrelated to the product’s use. [Cases: Trade Regulation 43. C.J.S. Trade-Marks, Trade-Names, and Unfair Competition §§ 49–50.]

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nonbank bank

A financial institution that either accepts demand deposits or makes commercial loans, but, unlike banks, does not do both at the same time and therefore can avoid federal regulations on bank ownership. • Nonbank banks were esp. prolific in the 1980s, but amendments to the definition of a bank under federal law have essentially closed

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unitization. Oil & gas. The collection of producing wells over a reservoir for joint operations such as enhanced-recovery techniques. • Unitization is usu. carried out after primary production has begun to fall off substantially, in order to permit efficient secondary-recovery operations. It is also done to comply with well-spacing requirements established by state law or

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tarnishment. Trademarks. A form of dilution that occurs when a trademark’s unauthorized use degrades the mark and diminishes its distinctive quality. Cf. BLURRING. [Cases: Trade Regulation 366. C.J.S. Trade-Marks, Trade-Names, and Unfair Competition § 79.]

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