Search Results for: REGULATION Q

administrative law

administrative law 行政法 指规范政府行政机关的组织和活动,调整行政机关与立法机关、司法机关和公众关系的法律总称。它可以分为三个部分:1授予行政机关权力及确立与这些权力相关的实体法规则的法律;2由行政机关制定的法规,包括行政规则〔administrative rules〕、行政法规〔administrative regulations〕、行政裁决汇编〔administrative reports〕等;3当行政机关的行政行为与公民权利相冲突时,调整这些冲突的法律原则和程序。在英美法律制度中,行政法经历了长期的孕育和阵痛过程,目前虽还不很成熟,但已初具规模,摆脱了英美不存在行政法的盲目偏见。现在行政法是英美法学院中教授的、为理解其整个法律制度所必需的一个法律部门。

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federal register

Federal Register. A daily publication containing presidential proclamations and executive orders, federal-agency regulations of general applicability and legal effect, proposed agency rules, and documents required by law to be published. • The Federal Register is published by the National Archives and Records Administration. — Abbr. Fed. Reg. [Cases: Administrative Law and Procedure 407. C.J.S. Public

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risk capital test

risk-capital test. Securities. A test of whether a transaction constitutes the sale of a security (and is thus subject to securities laws) based on whether the seller is soliciting risk capital with which to develop a business venture. Cf. CAPITAL-RISK TEST. [Cases: Securities Regulation 5, 248, 249. C.J.S. Securities Regulation §§ 3, 9, 379–380, 384–387,

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negative causation

Securities. The defense that part of the plaintiff’s damages were caused by factors other than the depreciation in value of the securities resulting from registration-statement defects. • If negative causation is proved, the plaintiff’s damages should be reduced. 15 USCA § 77k(e). [Cases: Securities Regulation 25.21(5). C.J.S. Securities Regulation § 89.]

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bracket system

bracket system. Tax law. A system for collecting a sales tax based on an index providing for a graduated payment depending on the purchase price of the item, the purpose being fourfold: (1) to avoid having the seller collect a tax less than one cent; (2) to avoid requiring the state to figure the exact

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administrative law

administrative law. The law governing the organization and operation of administrative agencies (including executive and independent agencies) and the relations of administrative agencies with the legislature, the execu-tive, the judiciary, and the public. • Administrative law is divided into three parts: (1) the statutes endowing agencies with powers and establishing rules of substantive law relating

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selective enforcement

selective enforcement. The practice of law-enforcement officers who use wide or even unfettered discretion about when and where to carry out certain laws; esp., the practice of singling a person out for prosecution or punishment under a statute or regulation because the person is a member of a protected group or because the person has

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