Search Results for: UNLAWFUL


illegitimate, adj. 1. (Of a child) born out of lawful wedlock and never having been legitimated (illegitimate son). • A child conceived while the mother is married but born after she is divorced or widowed is considered legitimate. [Cases: Children Out-of-Wedlock 1. C.J.S. Children Out-of-Wedlock §§ 2–11.] 2. Against the law; unlawful (illegitimate contract for

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stalking. 1. The act or an instance of following another by stealth. 2. The offense of following or loitering near another, often surreptitiously, with the purpose of annoying or harassing that person or committing a further crime such as assault or battery. • Some statutory definitions include an element that the person being stalked must

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danger. 1. Peril; exposure to harm, loss, pain, or other negative result. 2. A cause of peril; a menace. apparent danger. 1. Obvious danger; real danger. — Also termed patent danger. 2. Criminal law. The perceived danger in one person’s actions toward another, as a result of which it seems necessary for the threatened person

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dumping. 1. The act of selling a large quantity of goods at less than fair value. 2. Selling goods abroad at less than the market price at home. See ANTIDUMPING LAW. [Cases: Customs Duties 21. 5. C.J.S. Customs Duties §§ 135–152.] “Dumping involves selling abroad at a price that is less than the price used

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corrupt, adj. 1. Archaic. (Of a person) subject to corruption of blood. “[T]here are divers offences made Treason by Act of Parliament, whereof, though a Man be Attaint, yet his Blood, by Provisoes therein, is not corrupt, nor shall he forfeit any thing….” Thomas Blount, Nomo-Lexicon: A Law-Dictionary (1670). 2. Having an unlawful or depraved

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counterfeit, vb. To unlawfully forge, copy, or imitate an item, esp. money or a negotiable instrument (such as a security or promissory note) or other officially issued item of value (such as a postage stamp or a food stamp), or to possess such an item without authorization and with the intent to deceive or defraud

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