Search Results for: UNLAWFUL


rout (rowt), n. The offense that occurs when an unlawful assembly makes some move toward the accomplishment of its participants’ common purpose. Cf. RIOT. [Cases: Riot 1. C.J.S. Riot; Insurrection §§ 2–10.] “The word ‘rout’ comes from the same source as the word ‘route.’ It signifies that three or more who have gathered together in

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enticement of a child

enticement of a child. Criminal law. The act or offense of inviting, persuading, or attempting to persuade a child to enter a vehicle, building, room, or secluded place with the intent of committing an unlawful sexual act against the child. — Often shortened to enticement. [Cases: Infants 13. C.J.S. Infants §§ 5, 92–93, 95–98.]

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menacing, n. An attempt to commit common-law assault. • The term is used esp. in jurisdictions that have defined assault to include battery. See ASSAULT. [Cases: Assault and Battery 61; Extortion and Threats 25. 1. C.J.S. Assault and Battery § 82; Threats and Unlawful Communications §§ 2–20.]

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corner, n. 1. The common end of two survey lines; an angle made by two boundary lines. [Cases: Boundaries 7. C.J.S. Boundaries §§ 10–13.] existent corner. A corner whose location can be verified by an original landmark, a surveyor’s field notes, or other reliable evidence. lost corner. A point in a land description, such as

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predatory pricing

Unlawful below-cost pricing intended to eliminate specific competitors and reduce overall competition; pricing below an appropriate measure of cost for the purpose of eliminating competitors in the short run and reducing competition in the long run. See ANTITRUST. [Cases: Monopolies 17(1.7). C.J.S. Monopolies §§ 83–85, 87.]

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illegality, n. 1. An act that is not authorized by law. 2. The state of not being legally authorized. “A contract made ultra vires is void; but not [strictly speaking] on the ground of illegality. Lord Cairns … takes exception to the use of the term ‘illegality,’ pointing out that it is not the object

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reasonable, adj. 1. Fair, proper, or moderate under the circumstances ( reasonable pay). 2. According to reason (your argument is reasonable but not convincing). “It is extremely difficult to state what lawyers mean when they speak of ‘reasonableness.’ In part the expression refers to ordinary ideas of natural law or natural justice, in part to

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expilatio (eks-p[schwa]-lay-shee-oh), n. [Latin] Roman law. The offense of unlawfully appropriating goods belonging to a succession. • This offense was not technically theft (furtum) because the property belonged to neither the decedent nor an heir, since the latter had not yet taken possession. Pl. expilationes (eks-p[schwa]-lay-shee-oh-neez).

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