Search Results for: WIFE


jure (joor-ee), adv. [Latin] 1. By right; in right. 2. By law. See DE JURE. jure accessionis (joor-ee ak-sesh-ee-oh-nis). By the law of natural accession. • For example, the fruits of trees on one’s land are one’s property jure accessionis. jure accretionis ([schwa]-kree-shee-oh-nis). By right of accretion. jure belli (bel-I). By the right or law

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adhere, vb. 1. (Of one house in a bicameral legislature) to reject the other house’s insistence on a difference in legislation that has passed both houses, without requesting a conference. Cf. INSIST ON. “When both houses have insisted [on differing views about an amendment] without a request for conference, it is also in order to

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marital rape

A husband’s sexual intercourse with his wife by force or without her consent. • Marital rape was not a crime at common law, but under modern statutes the marital exemption no longer applies, and in most jurisdictions a husband can be prosecuted for raping his wife. — Also termed spousal rape. [Cases: Rape 4. C.J.S.

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