Search Results for: WIFE

derivative action

derivative action. 1. A suit by a beneficiary of a fiduciary to enforce a right belonging to the fiduciary; esp., a suit asserted by a shareholder on the corporation’s behalf against a third party (usu. a corporate officer) because of the corporation’s failure to take some action against the third party. See Fed. R. Civ. […]

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ganancial (g[schwa]-nan-sh[schwa]l), adj. Of, relating to, or consisting of community property (a spouse’s ganancial rights). See COMMUNITY PROPERTY. [Cases: Husband and Wife 246–276(9).] “The Spanish [more correctly, the Castilian] form of community property, called the ‘ganancial’ system, is found today in nine states of the United States, the Spanish-American republics of Central and South America,

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ex 〈拉〉 (1)从…;从…里面;来自…;因为;依据;按照 (2)(前缀)以前的;先前的 用于某一职位或某种关系、身份之前,表示以前曾担任某一职务或具备某种关系、身份,但现在已不担任或不具备。如ex-judge前任法官,ex-wife前妻。 (3)(前缀)无;除 如ex-dividend除股利的,不带股息的。 (4)(=exhibit)

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concubinage (kon-kyoo-b[schwa]-nij), n. 1. The relationship of a man and woman who cohabit without the benefit of marriage. [Cases: Marriage 22. C.J.S. Marriage §§ 24–25.] 2. The state of being a concubine. 3. Hist. A plea in a dower action made by a defendant who asserts that the plaintiff is the defendant’s concubine rather than

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paraphernalia (par-[schwa]-f[schwa]r-nay-lee-[schwa]). Hist. Property that a wife was allowed to keep, in addition to her dowry, on the death of her husband. “[I]n one particular instance the wife may acquire a property in some of her husband’s goods: which shall remain to her after his death and not go to the executors. These are called

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usus (yoo-s[schwa]s oryoo-z[schwa]s), n. [Latin “use”] Roman law. 1. The right to use another’s property, without the right to the produce (fructus) of the thing. • Usus was a personal servitude; it gave the holder a right in rem. Cf. USUFRUCT. “It is essentially a fraction of a usufruct, usus without the fructus. In strictness,

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