

1. The delivery of a document to an issuer or named person for the purpose of initiating action under a letter of credit; PRESENTMENT(3). [Cases: Banks and Banking 191. C.J.S. Bills and Notes; Letters of Credit§§ 341–366, 368–370, 372–376.]

2. Hist. Eccles. law. A benefice patron’s nomination of a person to fill a vacant benefice. • If the bishop rejected the appointee, the patron could enforce the right to fill the vacancy by writ of quare impedit in the Court of Common Pleas. See QUARE IMPEDIT . Cf. ADVOWSON; INSTITUTION(5).

next presentation. Hist. Eccles. law. In the law of advowsons, the right to present to the bishop a clerk to fill the first vacancy that arises in a church or other ecclesiastical office.

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