
return, n.

1. A court officer’s bringing back of an instrument to the court that issued it; RETURN OF WRIT (a sheriff’s return of citation). [Cases: Execution 330–347. C.J.S. Executions §§ 320–334.]

2. A court officer’s indorsement on an instrument brought back to the court, reporting what the officer did or found (a return of nulla bona). See FALSE RETURN(1).

3. TAX RETURN (file your return before April 15).

4. (usu. pl.) An official report of voting results (election returns).

5. Yield or profit (return on an investment). See RATE OF RETURN. — return, vb.

capital return. Tax. Revenue that represents the repayment of cost or capital and thus is not taxable as income.

— Also termed return of capital.

fair return on investment. The usual or reasonable profit in a business, esp. a public utility.

net return. The profit on an investment after deducting all investment expenses.

return of capital. See capital return.

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