
Form 10-K

Form 10-K 〈美〉表格10-K;年度报表 证券交易委员会要求注册证券公司、交易所上市公司、股东人数超过500人的公司、或总资产超过100万美元(含100万美元)的公司必须提交的年度报告。该报告的内容主要包括公司销售总额、收入总额、税前营业利润额,以及前5年中每年单项产品销售额等事项。在该报告提交给证券委员会之后,上述内容即构成财务公开的信息。

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10 k

10-K. A financial report filed annually with the SEC by a registered corporation. • The report typically includes an audited financial statement, a description of the corporation’s business and financial condition, and summaries of other financial data. — Also termed Form 10-K. Cf. 8-k. [Cases: Securities Regulation 60.27(6). C.J.S. Securities Regulation § 176.]

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