所有权证书摘要 英语:abstract of title 法语:attestation de propriété 德语:Eigentumsnachweis 意大利语:estratto relativo a precedenti trasferimenti di un titolo immobiliare 西班牙语:extracto de titulo
所有权证书摘要 英语:abstract of title 法语:attestation de propriété 德语:Eigentumsnachweis 意大利语:estratto relativo a precedenti trasferimenti di un titolo immobiliare 西班牙语:extracto de titulo
A concise statement, usu. prepared for a mortgagee or purchaser of real property, summarizing the history of a piece of land, including all conveyances, interests, liens, and encumbrances that affect title to the property. — Also termed brief; brief of title. [Cases: Abstracts of Title 1. C.J.S. Abstracts of Title §§ 2–3, 5.]
abstract of title. A concise statement, usu. prepared for a mortgagee or purchaser of real property, summarizing the history of a piece of land, including all conveyances, interests, liens, and encumbrances that affect title to the property. — Also termed brief; brief of title. [Cases: Abstracts of Title 1. C.J.S. Abstracts of Title §§ 2–3,
abstract of title 产权说明书;所有权证书摘要 一种简要说明不动产所有权情况的文件。其内容应包括所有权取得的方式及证据,如财产转移证书、遗嘱等;以及可作为产权证明的有关事实,所有可能会损害所有权的事实,如留置权、抵押权等;有时内容还应包括地理位置图、平面图以及其他的辅助性资料。