accidental injury

accidental injury

An injury resulting from external, violent, and unanticipated causes; esp., a bodily injury caused by some external force or agency operating contrary to a person’s intentions, unexpectedly, and not according to the usual order of events. [Cases: Insurance 2590. C.J.S. Insurance §§ 864, 1170.]

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accidental injury

accidental injury 〈美〉(对身体的)意外伤害 指无法预料的意外事件所致的损害,尤指因不可预料的外部强力所致的身体伤害。在劳工赔偿法中,指在僱佣期间发生的、出乎意料的、没有僱员积极行为或预谋的伤害。对受害者而言,这种伤害是不可预见和不希望其发生的。

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