accomenda (古)(海商法)艾克门达合同 意大利货主与船东订立的合同,前者提供货物,后者负责销售。在这种情况下存在两个合同:首先是货主授权船东处置货物的委任合同〔mandatum〕,然后是分享利润的合伙合同。如果销售所得不超过货物成本,则全部归货主所有,只有利润才由双方分享。
accomenda (古)(海商法)艾克门达合同 意大利货主与船东订立的合同,前者提供货物,后者负责销售。在这种情况下存在两个合同:首先是货主授权船东处置货物的委任合同〔mandatum〕,然后是分享利润的合伙合同。如果销售所得不超过货物成本,则全部归货主所有,只有利润才由双方分享。
accomenda (ak-[schwa]-men-d[schwa]). Hist. Maritime law. A contract between a cargo owner and a shipmaster whereby the parties agree to sell the cargo and divide the profits (after deducting the owner’s costs). • This contract actually consists of two agreements: a mandatum, by which the owner gives the shipmaster the power to dispose of the cargo,