accuse, vb. To charge (a person) judicially or publicly with an offense; to make an accusation against (she accused him of the crime) (he was accused as an accomplice).
accuse, vb. To charge (a person) judicially or publicly with an offense; to make an accusation against (she accused him of the crime) (he was accused as an accomplice).
被告,被指控 英语:accused 法语:accusé, inculpé, prévenu 德语:Angeklagte(r), Angeschuldigte(r) 意大利语:imputato, accusato, incolpato 西班牙语:inculpado
被告 英语:defendant 法语:défendeur, accusé, intimé 德语:Beklagter 意大利语:convenuto, accusato 西班牙语:parte demandada, demandado