Act of Supremacy

Act of Supremacy 〈英〉《君主至上法》 亨利八世〔Hen.VIII〕和伊丽莎白一世〔Eliz.I〕时期的法律,对英格兰国教会的宗教改革产生了影响。该法规定教会的所有权力必须附属于英格兰国王,所有宗教和世俗官员必须宣誓承认英格兰国王不论在精神还是世俗意义上都是英国唯一的最高首脑,否认罗马教皇作为罗马主教以外的任何权力。

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act of supremacy

Act of Supremacy. Hist. A statute that named the English sovereign as supreme head of the Church of England (26 Hen. 8, ch. 1). • The Act was passed in 1534 during Henry VIII’s reign and confirmed in 1559 (1 Eliz., ch. 1) to counteract pro-Catholic legislation enacted during the reign of Mary Tudor. In

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