adversary system

adversary system

A procedural system, such as the Anglo-American legal system, involving active and unhin-dered parties contesting with each other to put forth a case before an independent decision-maker. — Also termed adversary procedure; (in criminal cases) accusatorial system, accusatory procedure. Cf. INQUISITORIAL SYSTEM.

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adversary system

adversary system 对抗制;辩论式的诉讼制度 指英美法上的诉讼制度。在这种诉讼程序中,强调双方当事人的对抗性,当事人有很大的主动权,且基本不受阻碍,通过双方当事人及其律师询问和交叉询问证人,相互争辩,来推进诉讼进程,揭示案件真相。法官作为中立的裁判者,听取双方的陈述和辩论,而不是积极介入。也称作adversary procedure。在刑事案件中又可称为accusatorial system 或 accusatory procedure。 (→inquisitorial system)

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adversary system

adversary system. A procedural system, such as the Anglo-American legal system, involving active and unhin-dered parties contesting with each other to put forth a case before an independent decision-maker. — Also termed adversary procedure; (in criminal cases) accusatorial system, accusatory procedure. Cf. INQUISITORIAL SYSTEM. “The term adversary system sometimes characterizes an entire legal process, and

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