appeal bond

appeal bond

A bond that an appellate court may require from an appellant in a civil case to ensure payment of the costs of appeal; a bond required as a condition to bringing an appeal or staying execution of the judgment appealed from. Fed. R. App. P. 7. Cf. supersedeas bond. [Cases: Appeal and Error 373–395; Federal […]

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appeal bond

appeal bond 上诉保证书 指法院原判决的支付保证。一方当事人向上一级法院上诉时,法院常要求签订保证书。以保证当上诉失败时,原判决的支付要求能得以实现。该保证书的目的在于防止一方当事人为拖延时间而以毫无意义的理由而求助于上诉

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