
arrogation n. (1)(罗马法)自权人的收养 指收养的对象是成年人、尤其是自权人〔sui juris〕。这种收养将使该自权人丧失原有独立地位而处于收养者的家长权之下。 (2)冒称;僭称;僭取 指主张自身不享有的权利或从事自身无权从事的行为。

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arrogation (ar-[schwa]-gay-sh[schwa]n), n. 1. The act of claiming or taking something without the right to do so (some commentators argue that limited military actions unilaterally ordered by the President are an arrogation of Congress’s power to declare war). 2. Roman & civil law. The adoption of an adult; specif., the adoption of a person sui

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