
assign, n. (usu. pl.) See ASSIGNEE. assign, vb. 1. To convey; to transfer rights or property (the bank assigned the note to a thrift institution). 2. To assert; to point out (the appellant assigned as errors two of the trial court’s rulings). See ASSIGNMENT OF ERROR.

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assign v. (1)转让;动产转让 转让财产,尤指转让属人财产或动产〔personal or moveable property〕。在英格兰,动产转让是指属人动产、实产〔real property〕中的动产权益〔chattle interest〕或实产中的衡平法权益〔equitable interest〕的完全转让。它可以是无偿的,也可以是有偿的。在苏格兰,动产转让是指将债权、股权、版权、保险单等无形财产权完全或仅作为担保加以转让的方式。并非所有权利都可转让,某些特定类型的权利转让需要特殊的手续。 (2)对某人设定一项权利或规定一项义务 (3)指定;分配;选定 (4)委任…工作 (5)指出;陈述;详细述明(如陈述原审中存在的错误〔to assign errors〕) n.(常用复)受让人(=assignee)

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