automatic stay

automatic stay

automatic stay 〈美〉自动中止 指根据《破产法典》〔Bankruptcy Code〕提出自愿破产申请〔voluntary petition〕后,所有要求债务人或以债务人的破产财产还债的司法或非司法的行为或程序均立即中止。自动中止无需法院签署任何命令,只需向法院书记官提出破产申请并附有支持其申请的文件即可。确立自动中止制度的目的是为了在确定债权人的权利及管理债务人的财产期间不受债权人的干扰。

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automatic stay

Bankruptcy. A bar to all judicial and extrajudicial collection efforts against the debtor or the debtor’s property. • The policy behind the automatic stay, which is effective upon the filing of the bankruptcy petition, is that all actions against the debtor should be halted pending the determination of creditors’ rights and the orderly administration of

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