ballivo amovendo
ballivo amovendo (b[schwa]-lI-voh ay-moh-ven-doh). [Latin “a bailiff to be removed”] Hist. A writ to remove from office a bailiff who does not have sufficient land in the bailiwick as required by the Statute of Westminster (1285).
ballivo amovendo (b[schwa]-lI-voh ay-moh-ven-doh). [Latin “a bailiff to be removed”] Hist. A writ to remove from office a bailiff who does not have sufficient land in the bailiwick as required by the Statute of Westminster (1285).
ballivo amovendo 〈英〉撤回执达官令状 因辖区面积不足或因执达官本人没有达到1285年《威斯敏斯特法Ⅱ》〔Statute of Westminster Ⅱ〕要求的财产资格而被撤回其职位的一种古代令状。