bill of costs

bill of costs

bill of costs 诉讼费用单 1在美国,指列明一方当事人应向对方支付的与诉讼有关的费用项目的单据;2在英国,指事务律师送交给其当事人的账单,详细列明其为当事人所做的工作,以及对每一项目的收费数额。诉讼费用单必须有事务律师或其所在律师事务所的合伙人之一签名并送交给应支付费用的当事人方可被强制执行,但在送交后一个月内不得为收取该费用提起诉讼,除非当事人正面临丧失偿债能力或破产等情形。

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bill of costs

A certified, itemized statement of the amount of costs owed by one litigant to another, prepared so that the prevailing party may recover the costs from the losing party. — Also termed cost bill. [Cases: Costs 202. C.J.S. Costs § 148.]

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