building line

building line. A boundary drawn along a curb or the edge of a municipality’s sidewalks to establish how far a building must be set away from the street to maintain a uniform appearance. • This is often referred to as a setback requirement. [Cases: Zoning and Planning 64, 252. C.J.S. Zoning and Land Planning §§ […]

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building line

building line 房基线 指市政当局为保证城市街道外观的整齐划一所设定的、与路缘石〔curb〕或人行道的边缘特定统一间距并与之平行的线,建筑物的前端须置于该线上而不能或有超出。也常被称为对建筑物置后〔set-back〕的要求。

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