carnal knowledge
carnal knowledge 性交 男性生殖器轻微地插入女性生殖器即构成性交,不一定以插入阴道或处女膜破裂为必要条件,只要进入阴门或阴唇即可。与尚未达法定承诺年龄〔age of consent〕的幼女性交即构成法定强奸罪〔statutory rape〕。
carnal knowledge 性交 男性生殖器轻微地插入女性生殖器即构成性交,不一定以插入阴道或处女膜破裂为必要条件,只要进入阴门或阴唇即可。与尚未达法定承诺年龄〔age of consent〕的幼女性交即构成法定强奸罪〔statutory rape〕。
Archaic. Sexual intercourse, esp. with an underage female. — Sometimes shortened to knowledge. [Cases: Incest 6; Rape 7.C.J.S. Incest § 5; Rape § 17.]
carnal knowledge. Archaic. Sexual intercourse, esp. with an underage female. — Sometimes shortened to knowledge. [Cases: Incest 6; Rape 7. C.J.S. Incest § 5; Rape § 17.] “The ancient term for the act itself was ‘carnal knowledge’ and this is found in some of the recent cases and statutes. The phrase ‘sexual intercourse,’ more common