cash value option
The right of a life-insurance policyholder to surrender the policy for its cash value at a specified time or at any time. [Cases: Insurance 1950, 2037. C.J.S. Insurance §§ 518–519, 742–745, 749–754.]
The right of a life-insurance policyholder to surrender the policy for its cash value at a specified time or at any time. [Cases: Insurance 1950, 2037. C.J.S. Insurance §§ 518–519, 742–745, 749–754.]
cash value option 保单现金价值请求权 指人寿保险单持有人取得保单现金价值的权利。保险期限内特定时间的保单现金价值一般都先确定。该项权利通常只能在停止支付保险费以后的一定时间内行使。