cepit et abduxit
cepit et abduxit (see-pit et ab-duk-sit). [Latin] Hist. He took and led away. • This declaration appeared in either a writ of trespass or a larceny indictment for theft of an animal.
cepit et abduxit (see-pit et ab-duk-sit). [Latin] Hist. He took and led away. • This declaration appeared in either a writ of trespass or a larceny indictment for theft of an animal.
cepit et abduxit 〈拉〉他已获取并将其拿走 此术语用于侵权之诉诉状或偷盗罪的起诉书中,指控被告非法牵走如牲畜等有生命的动产〔living chattel〕。