Clifford trust

Clifford trust

Clifford trust 〈美〉克利福德信托 因1940年的Helvering v.Clifford一案而得名,指存续期间至少为10年零1天,信托财产的收益归于受益人,但当信托期限届满时,信托财产本身则归覆信托人的一种信托设计。这种信托是一种不可撤销的信托,常由父母以子女为受益人而设立。但美国1986年的《税收改革法》〔Tax Reform Act〕通过征收儿童税〔Kiddie tax〕和对信托设立人超过信托价值5%以上的归复权益收入征税,取消了克利福德信托中原有的税收优惠。又可称为短期信托〔short-term trust〕。 (→reversionary interest; irrevocable trust)

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Clifford trust

An irrevocable trust, set up for at least ten years and a day, whereby income from the trust property is paid to the beneficiary but the property itself reverts back to the settlor when the trust expires. • These trusts were often used by parents — with their children as beneficiaries — to shelter investment

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