committitur piece
committitur piece (英格兰古法)对在押债务人的执行令书写在羊皮纸上,1869年被取消。某人因债务而被原告起诉,并被关进王座法庭的监狱〔Queen’s Bench Prison〕——1862年后是在霍洛维监狱〔Holloway〕,此执行令督促在押债务人向原告遵照判决清偿债务。
committitur piece (英格兰古法)对在押债务人的执行令书写在羊皮纸上,1869年被取消。某人因债务而被原告起诉,并被关进王座法庭的监狱〔Queen’s Bench Prison〕——1862年后是在霍洛维监狱〔Holloway〕,此执行令督促在押债务人向原告遵照判决清偿债务。
committitur piece. Hist. An instrument used to civilly charge a debtor already in prison, esp. by the plaintiff who had brought about the debtor’s imprisonment. • The committitur piece was rendered obsolete by the 1869 Debtors Act, which abolished imprisonment for debt.