comparative law
The scholarly study of the similarities and differences between the legal systems of different jurisdictions, such as between civil-law and common-law countries. — Also termed comparative jurisprudence. See INTERNATIONAL LAW.
The scholarly study of the similarities and differences between the legal systems of different jurisdictions, such as between civil-law and common-law countries. — Also termed comparative jurisprudence. See INTERNATIONAL LAW.
comparative law. The scholarly study of the similarities and differences between the legal systems of different jurisdictions, such as between civil-law and common-law countries. — Also termed comparative jurisprudence. See INTERNATIONAL LAW. “What is known as comparative jurisprudence — namely, the study of the resemblances and differences between different legal systems — is not a
comparative law 比较法(学) 即comparative jurisprudence,它并非一个原则或一套法律规则,而只是一种研究法律的思路、方法或技巧。这种方法将不同的法律制度进行比较研究,以期发现不同法律制度的共同倾向、特点、普遍性因素,或者一类法律制度中的共同因素。比较法学的研究方法无疑对法律的一般性质、功能、观念等的理解有很大帮助。随着国际贸易及国际交往的扩大、加深,更刺激了比较法学研究的需要。比较法将世界的主要法律制度划分为几大法律体系:1民法法系,又称为罗马-日耳曼法系、大陆法系,主要指那些继受古罗马法的欧洲大陆国家,如法国、德国以及大部分西欧国家。中美洲和南美洲大部分国家也属于这一法系;2普通法系,这主要是在英格兰、爱尔兰、加拿大(除了魁北克)、美国(除了路易斯安那州)、澳大利亚、新西兰、中国香港地区等受英格兰普通法制度影响的国家或地区的法系。除了这两大法系,还有一些基于其他标准的划分,如社会主义法系、穆斯林法系等。