condonation n. 宽恕;原谅 指受害人对加害人的过错默许地予以宽恕,视作该过错没有发生。特指在尚未发生「无过错离婚」〔no fault divorce〕前,配偶一方在另一方过错已构成离婚依据后,仍与其正常共同生活,默示已予宽恕,但以过错方不再重犯为条件。
condonation n. 宽恕;原谅 指受害人对加害人的过错默许地予以宽恕,视作该过错没有发生。特指在尚未发生「无过错离婚」〔no fault divorce〕前,配偶一方在另一方过错已构成离婚依据后,仍与其正常共同生活,默示已予宽恕,但以过错方不再重犯为条件。
condonation (kon-d[schwa]-nay-sh[schwa]n), n. 1. A victim’s express or (esp.) implied forgiveness of an offense, esp. by treating the offender as if there had been no offense. • Condonation is not usu. a valid defense to a crime. 2. One spouse’s express or implied forgiveness of a marital offense by resuming marital life and sexual intimacy.