consent search
consent search 经同意的搜查 指警察在征得被搜查人同意后实施的搜查行为。如果同意出于自愿和充分理解,可使无证搜查合法化,但合法性掩盖下的强制搜查不能称作自愿同意。同意搜查是否存在胁迫或强迫需根据事实全面认定。
consent search 经同意的搜查 指警察在征得被搜查人同意后实施的搜查行为。如果同意出于自愿和充分理解,可使无证搜查合法化,但合法性掩盖下的强制搜查不能称作自愿同意。同意搜查是否存在胁迫或强迫需根据事实全面认定。
A search conducted after a person with the authority to do so voluntarily waives Fourth Amendment rights. • The government has the burden to show that the consent was given freely — not under duress. Bumper v. North Carolina, 391 U.S. 543, 548–49, 88 S.Ct. 1788, 1792 (1968). — Also termed consensual search. [Cases: Searches